Web Dev

Tuff Web Dev

This site was expertly designed by the talented team at Tuff, while I took on the full development of the site. I was not responsible for the design.

The project involved customizing blog post displays by modifying PHP code and implementing extensive theme enhancements using CSS and JavaScript, all within the WordPress platform.

Tuff Website Hero Image

The Details

When I received the Figma mockups for this site, it was clear that the design would require in-depth customization and coding. Collaborating closely with the design team, we developed and launched a site that faithfully adhered to the original designs. Along the way, we made thoughtful modifications to address WordPress theme limitations and implement user experience improvements identified by myself and the Tuff team.

The Solutions

To meet all the designers’ requirements, I utilized a variety of tools and implemented key functionalities into the site, including the following:

1. Custom Blog Display

Using existing plugins and adding my own modifications to plugin PHP files, I successfully implemented the custom blog layout. We did not hire any outside developers to work on this display. This was achieved without the need for additional developers.

2. Integrating Lottie Files

I successfully integrated pre-existing Lottie files into the site using the Enfold WordPress theme and the Lottie plugin, ensuring smooth animations and enhanced visual appeal.

3. Custom Animations

Using CSS Keyframes and some Javascript animation, I created custom movement and animation throughout the site according to initial designs. Particularly in moving text elements and buttons.

The Result

The final website successfully brought the design team’s vision to life, delivering a smooth and engaging user experience within deadline. My development work ensured the site matched the original Figma mockups while incorporating enhanced functionality and seamless animations to elevate interactivity. In addition to creating a visually faithful site, I made it scalable, easy to maintain, and user-friendly for future updates.